

16-channel relay module 12V with optocoupler low-level trigger compatible with Arduino

16-channel relay module 12V with optocoupler low-level trigger compatible with Arduino

AED 70.00

DS18B20 digital temperature sensor TO92-55°C - +125°C compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

DS18B20 digital temperature sensor TO92-55°C - +125°C compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 25.00

AZ-Envy Wlan ESP8266-12F environmental development board with humidity and air quality sensor (MQ-2 and SHT30) compatible with Arduino

AZ-Envy Wlan ESP8266-12F environmental development board with humidity and air quality sensor (MQ-2 and SHT30) compatible with Arduino

AED 55.00

ACS712 20A Ampere Current Sensor Range Module Current Sensor compatible with Arduino

ACS712 20A Ampere Current Sensor Range Module Current Sensor compatible with Arduino

AED 35.00

ACS712 30A Ampere Current Sensor Range Module Current Sensor compatible with Arduino

ACS712 30A Ampere Current Sensor Range Module Current Sensor compatible with Arduino

AED 38.00

UART-TTL USB adapter for 3.3V and 5V with CH340G converter and jumper cable compatible with Arduino

UART-TTL USB adapter for 3.3V and 5V with CH340G converter and jumper cable compatible with Arduino

AED 40.00

A4988 Stepper motor driver module with heat sink compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

A4988 Stepper motor driver module with heat sink compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 40.00

4x4 Matrix Array Keypad keyboard compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

4x4 Matrix Array Keypad keyboard compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 35.00

DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and air humidity sensor with a circuit board and cable compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and air humidity sensor with a circuit board and cable compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 55.00

Soil moisture sensor, moisture detector and plant moisture measuring device with corrosion-resistant probe for automatic irrigation system compatible with Arduino and Raspbery Pi

Soil moisture sensor, moisture detector and plant moisture measuring device with corrosion-resistant probe for automatic irrigation system compatible with Arduino and Raspbery Pi

AED 45.00

10x N/O Reed Switch Magnetic Switch 2 * 14mm Magnetic Induction Switch for Arduino

10x N/O Reed Switch Magnetic Switch 2 * 14mm Magnetic Induction Switch for Arduino

AED 35.00

220V to 5V mini power supply compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

220V to 5V mini power supply compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 45.00

MAX30100 Breakout Board - Integrated pulse oximetry and heart rate sensor solution, compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

MAX30100 Breakout Board - Integrated pulse oximetry and heart rate sensor solution, compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

AED 40.00

220V to 12V mini power supply compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

220V to 12V mini power supply compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 43.00

NRF24L01 with 2.4 GHz wireless module for ESP8266, Raspberry Pi and Arduino

NRF24L01 with 2.4 GHz wireless module for ESP8266, Raspberry Pi and Arduino

AED 45.00

DSN-VC288 voltmeter amperemeter module with LED display compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

DSN-VC288 voltmeter amperemeter module with LED display compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

AED 45.00

XL4016E1 DC-DC Step Down Converter, adjustable 5-40V to 1.2-36V 12A compatible with Arduino

XL4016E1 DC-DC Step Down Converter, adjustable 5-40V to 1.2-36V 12A compatible with Arduino

AED 58.00