Special features
All components (processor, memory, digital / analog input and output devices, etc.) are on one chip.
It is not necessary to know the internal functioning of the onboard microcontroller in order to program it.
Countless easy-to-understand code examples have already been written.
Technical data
Microcontroller AZ-ATmega328 board
Power supply voltage 5V
Input voltage 7-12V
Digital I/O pins 14
PWM Digital I/O Pins 6
Analog Input Pins 6
Flash memory 32KB
SRAM 2KB (AZ-ATmega328-Board)
EEPROM 1KB (AZ-ATmega328-Board)
clock frequency 16MHz
Dimensions 70x55x13mm
External power supply
If the microcontroller is operated without a PC, the connection (next to the USB interface) can be used for an external power supply.
SKU: simcwA-153