DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and air humidity sensor with a circuit board and cable compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and air humidity sensor with a circuit board and cable compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and air humidity sensor with a circuit board and cable compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

The AZDelivery DHT22/AM2302 is a low cost, reliable digital temperature and humidity sensor and the successor of the widely used DHT11. This module is suitable for both 5V and 3.3V microcontrollers.

Using capacitive moisture sensor and hot conductor, the sensor measures surrounding air data and passes these values ​​further as a digital signal to the data PIN (no analog input pins are required).
For advanced users, the sensor module can also be controlled directly, without library.
Technical specifications
Supply voltage 3.3-6V DC
Output signal Digital signal via single bus
Sensor element Polymer capacitor
Work area moisture 0-100%RH
Work area temperature -40 - 80 Celsius
Detection duration 2 seconds
Interchangeability Full interchangeability
Accuracy Moisture +-2-5% RH; temperature

SKU: TsaahswacbaccwAaRP-289
AED 55.00